Faculty Association Scholarship - University Transfer Program

To Apply: Must have been enrolled at TCC for spring semester prior to aid year in which you are applying. Minimum 3.5 GPA required.

Eligibility requirements to maintain:
a 3.5 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale
9 or more credit hours at TCC during each semester you are receiving the scholarship award

Supplemental Questions
  1. 1st Reference: Please give a name and email address of a TCC faculty member who has direct knowledge of your scholastic ability.
  2. 2nd Reference: Please give a name and email address of a TCC faculty member who has direct knowledge of your scholastic ability.
  3. Describe your volunteer/service learning activities over the previous year. Include when and how many hours you completed.
  4. Describe your college sponsored activities, including student organizations and events during your college career.
  5. Describe any awards or accomplishments you have received during your college career.